So, for those of you who know me, I'll post my "familiy picture" that I created on the website: (which if you have some free time, I think you should try it out-it's just fun!). I'll let you all guess who the people are in the picture :) I think they quite look like the people I modeled them after.

As for what's been going on lately, I've been working at the restaurant, and it's going really well. I like all the people I work with so far, so that makes it easier. The timing is weird-I'm not used to every shift being one that goes through a mealtime, duh it's the restaurant business, but it's just made my eating schedule strange. I got a second job this week as a substitute teacher. I'll have training this coming week and then start soon after. I'm looking forward to it!
I'm sure I'll write soon-till then, make yourself an M&M if you have time, and let me know how it goes!!