after 4 delightful months of wedded bliss (no throat clears here, i'm not exaggerating!) i'd say it's about time for me to write a blog entry. apparently i do go on these few-month hiatuses, but even though i may not think my life is the most exciting sometimes doesn't give me an excuse not to keep you guys updated!
so...let's have a whirlwind update from the past 4 months [wow!].
1. marriage is so amazing :) i'll spare you all the mushy-gushy details by saying that all is well, parker is the best husband, and i've never felt so loved. it's so fun to live with your best friend, too! (parker is working on a honeymoon compilation video, so hopefully i'll get to post that sometime soon).

2. on the job front. things have been continuing on the same path as they have been going for the past three years, which is the jagged path of career randomness, sprinkled with acting, voiceover work, hand modeling, personal assistance, and writing. i'm definitely getting itchy though now for a more steady gig, i think. i'm just having trouble making up my mind which direction to choose! any suggestions?
one fun foray i recently made into a side job is through...
3. Etsy. Etsy is like ebay, an online marketplace, only etsy has to be vintage or handmade. i love garage saling and thrifting, so i decided to turn that into a little moneymaker and find things to sell online. it's been great to unload some left over wedding items, too. i've only posted and sold a few things so far, but it's really fun. check out my store (it's a little bit bare right now) here:
4. DQ. after connecting with a couple of producers through friends, i got in as a project coordinator (producer's helper) on a shoot for a dairy queen spec commercial. it was a great two weeks. i had the pleasure of working with a few wonderful people, from whom i learned a ton about producing. i like to think of it as a crash course. i'll post the final product, or a link to it, as soon as it's finished, hopefully in a couple of weeks! but i'm very proud of the finished product, and hoping to pursue more work in producing.
5. during those two weeks, my brother, cody and his friend were in town. we had so much fun spending time together and doing lots of LA activities. here were are hiking at solstice canyon in malibu!

6. my hubby has a new website and blog. at least check out his reel on the main page. he's very talented, and that's actually unbiased.
7. we fostered a dog for a week recently. his name was huck, and he was the perfect dog for us, but it just wasn't the right time, unfortunately. so, we gave him a great home for a week and then he got adopted by a lovely family!! isn't he adorable though?
8. backtracking a bit...for 4th of july weekend, we decided to rent a house in palm springs with some friends. because the desert is super hot (we're talkin' 110 degrees!) in the summer, that's their off season, so you can get really good deals. anyway, we got a killer 4 bedroom house with salt water pool and tons of other amenities. it was a perfect mini-vacation, and made summer feel more legitimate, since LA has been sort of chilly this year. we already can't wait to plan another trip! if you're ever going, let me know, and i'll give you the info for this particular house since it was such a good deal.

9. also while in palm springs, and to make use of our sleek, modern abode...parker and i shot another commercial for the next MOFILM competition. it's for dove, and i'll definitely post it when the competition rules allow. we're hoping to enter a few videos by the september deadline, so wish us luck!

10. i just returned from a quick missouri/indiana/kentucky trip where i got to spend time with my sweet family and have a mini-reunion with some college besties at our friend, jaclyn's wedding. it was so much fun! but after all the humidity and missing parker, i was ready to come home to LA!
11. i have a sort of top secret project in the works. i hope that something comes of it, so that i have exciting news to broadcast! if nothing else, i've spent my free time being very productive, so i'm happy with that! stay tuned...
and lastly...12. i've been getting requests for a home decor post (especially since parker and my latest project is decorating our office!), so hopefully that will be the next one coming soon.
love from the west coast!
love the dress in your last picture! :)
thanks for the update lauren, but i'm still about to call you...i just HAVE to talk to you sometimes... ;-)