My trip to LA for my headshots was great--I'd missed my girls, so it was so nice to see them :) And, my 7-hour day of photo shoot was awesome! I kept thinking-I could totally do this as a career, lol!!! But, yes, it was crazy. It was at Alison's (the photographer) house, and she did my hair and makeup. We started out with a younger look, and progressed throughout the day adding more makeup and hair product and looking older. So, below, I've attached a younger look, a "normal me" look, and a soap opera glammed up look for you all to see. Let me know what you think of them--I'll definitely put up the good quality pictures once I pick them out!!!
Oh, and finally, I am for sure moving to LA the first week of August. I know who my roomie is, and I'm very excited. Mom and I will be driving out, and it should be a fun little road trip and adventure!!
More to come...

Dang girl. That last picture is hott! You look gorgeous!
OH MY GOSH!!!! i LOVE THEM! These are like way different and way better than I expected! Girl-- you are smokin! How fun! It makes me want to do that, just for the experience!!;-)
They look really do change from the girl next door to Candy the scandalous new girl on Days of Our Lives! I love them!
Thanks for giving me a sneak peek the other day!
wow girl! those are HOT. My little brother was like, "how old is she?!?"...I told him, 'too old for you'...he's 16. I'm going to have to fight the boys away from our front door with a stick when we live together...he he.
wow! You look so different in every picture. I NEVER would have known you in that last one. Totally soap opera-ish. Love it. Lookin' good girlie!
holla! lauren, those pics of you are fabulous! watch out L.A. here you come... :)
MY, MY, MY...can this really be my little cousin? LOL You look fabulous! Be bold, be brave and knock 'em dead!
what a hottie! seriously you look amazing in those pics--its crazy how a few changes can create a completely different look.
Your mom shared your website with me. I'm glad she did so I could catch up with what is going on with you. Sounds exciting. Your pics are wonderful. You seem to age 5 years in each one. Break a leg kid! One day I'll be able to say "I knew her when..."
Vicki from SEMO
Hey your headshots look great! They look familiar...we have a huge headshot of you in the office at sophias. It takes up the whole board. I wonder if you have an admirer or TEN, say the entire back of the house??? take care. Good luck sweetie, you'll find a great job very soon I just know it!
I have already told you that the last picture disturbs me on a level that I would rather not talk about.
But I know that it is neccesary and you look great.