i've worked another couple of shows since my last post. last week, i was an open-mic contestant on the show "bones," but all i really did was sit next to a guitar case while i watched a singer perform. then, yesterday, i was on "shark," which was a short shoot, but it was outside at night, so it was freeeezing! i was an actor/model at a promo party for a faux-rockstar's new album. he was a justin timberlake-esque character, so we were all supposed to be pretentious partiers at the "sky bar." really, we filmed at the w hotel in westwood (see pics: http://www.starwoodhotels.com/whotels/property/photos/index.html?propertyID=97518#photo_section_3Link), which has a gorgeous outdoor bar, pool, and cabana area that was all lit up and set dressed. not sure when these two episodes will air...
the highlight of shark, however, was not seeing any actor ON set, but seeing a friend of one of the actors. benjamin mckenzie, who played ryan-the main character on the former show the OC, was there visiting the actor playing the rockstar character. ironically, my best friends and i saw him at a fox season premiere event two summers ago at none other than the W hotel (of NYC)!!! he was still as cute as ever, i wish i had the guts to talk to him, though :) although, i'd never want to look like a stalker, lol.
thursday night, lane, another couple friends, and i went to a free screening of a new film due out in december. it's a semi-dark comedy (with a deep, rich storyline, however) about a high school girl who becomes pregnant, and just about life. it's called juno, and it was directed by the same guy who did "thank you for smoking," and had several big actors, including jennifer garner, allison janney, rainn wilson, and michael cera and jason batemen (both from arrested development). newcomer, ellen page, was amazingas the lead, juno. it's witty and touching (with a really unique soundtrack, too), and it's getting great reviews. it's not for kids, of course, as it deals with touchy subjects, and some of the humor would be inappropriate. but, you should definitely check out the trailer and go see it!

Juno Video @ Vidly.net
another thing...i got yet another job!! haha, i know it might seem crazy, that i guess i now technically have 4 jobs, but they are all extremely flexible, so it's not like what you're thinking, i'm sure! i applied for another dog walking/pet sitting job, and yep i got it! so, i guess i WILL walk a dog in this town, after all :) it's for a company called petstaff (www.thepetstaff.com), which happens to be the largest pet sitting company in the US, i believe. the people are really great, and i'm excited about it. i had orientation this morning, and i think i'll be working a lot over thanksgiving week, since they are low on staff over the holidays. hooray pets!
finally, i got my hair cut! not a huge deal, but it was pretty exciting to me, considering it had been awhile, and i took off 4ish inches. if feel so much lighter! and i got it for really cheap by going to the vidal sasson academy. so it was really professional, i just had to be there for a long time, because they have teachers coming around to critique the technique of the hair stylist. here's a pic below. please excuse my face, i'm leaning this way so you can see the length! but yeah, i really like it!

well, i guess that's about it for now...i hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving week, and safe travels if you're going somewhere :)
LP! You look so adorable! I love the cut.
Will you be doing anything for Thanksgiving??
I LOVE BENJAMIN MACKENZIE!!!!! Well, technically, I just love the OC! I'm totally addicted. AHHHH!!! I'm so jealous of you right now.
Your hair is adorable, and I'm glad that things are going well for you still. What's the weather like now? Warm?
I just have to say you are a beauty, girl. No joking around--you truly are. Inside and out! :)
I saw the preview for Juno when I went to see Across the Universe, and I'm dying to see it. I loved the preview.
Hi Lauren!
It's Elizabeth from Mojo. I found your blog from the link on your facebook profile and I love it! It sounds like you are doing some amazing, exciting things! I can't believe you were in the same vicinity of Benjamin Mackenzie!
Keep being a rock star, and I'll keep reading!
P.S. I am dying to see Juno!
Hey LP! I just want to tell you that I am sooo glad you keep bloggin! i love reading about your life! and love the haircut girlfriend!
(p.s. can you believe it was almost a whole year ago that we went out there?!? that was so random and fun!)
hey babe, the hair looks spectacular, as usual! you are always super cute.
and i'm dying to see juno. its about the only movie i am excited about these days.
so is the strike going to affect any of your background acting?
After trying to catch you on all the shows you've been working on, I finally see you during the MU vs. KU game tonight. It was at a b-ball game last year. I had to rewind to make sure it was you.. and it was.