yard sales
first things first, i can't recall if i already blogged about this, but i don't think so, AND even if i did, it is notable enough to reiterate!! scott, holland, and i went yard saling a couple weeks ago, and i have never had better luck! i found several things for great deals; things that i've been thinking about getting for months!! including: a $3 pair of chucks, a $2 camping pad, some cute clothes, and...a BIKE!! a basically new one for only TWENTY dollars! i've already used it several times, and it's so wonderful to have for exercise, transportation, and just for beach cruising. in fact, i'm pretty sure i passed owen wilson on the bike path in venice the other day...
and here it is in all it's pink glory!
i had an excellent easter this year!! i got to see the sun both rise and set on easter sunday, which i've never done ever before. and both the beginning and end of the day was on a beach with gorgeous weather. i can't complain. a bunch of people from our church went to a sunrise service on the beach, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ with about 20 westside la churches. it was super early, but it was definitely worth it!
after that, i took a nap :) and then was treated to a delicious easter brunch (my first eggs benedict-so good!!) at liz's house. we dyed eggs the night before, and then had this wonderful meal with several friends! here's a glimpse of some of our colorful eggs (complete with bobble-head Jesus!), and then liz (our lovely hostess!), holland, jd (holland's friend from college who now lives here), amy (liz's roommate), and me (in my $1 yard sale easter dress)!
as if that weren't enough fun for an easter sunday...holland and i then party hopped on down to manhattan beach, ca, just a few miles south on the coast. holland attended asbury university in kentucky, and a lot of her fellow classmates relocated to the la area to use their media degrees. so...they all got together for an easter beach cookout, and i tagged along. like i said, the weather was amazing--it was about 90 degrees that day, but not stifling or anything! we had burgers on the beach, juicy watermelon, and sat around until the sunset that evening, just hanging out and chatting. it was the perfect end to a really full day.
here we are on our way to the beach.
manhattan is adorable. it's a very wealthy town, so there are nice houses, and the beach was beautiful.
these are all the asburians (holland's college pals) getting together for a little photo shoot to send home to their alma mater.

me on the beach, and our friend, parker, in the background, braving the freezing ocean waters!!

next...my family came for their visit!
my mom, cody, and his friend, tyler came for about 5 days at the end of march. we had so much fun! i think the highlight of the trip for the boys was that they got addicted to the best frozen yogurt place in the world-pinkberry! it's only in nyc and california, i think, but if it ever comes your way, definitely give it a go. we spent time on the beach, in venice, and breezed through tourist spots like hollywood and the fashion district. they got to experience a lot of culture, and i really enjoyed their company! oh, and we saw the movie "21," which i recommend!! it was so great to have them here...it was a first big trip west for my brother (and i was happy to share that with him), and my mom was really glad to see how i had settled in, since last she left me, all she had seen was an empty apartment and a car full of possessions! below are some pictures from their excursion. one at my house, some on the beach, and one with the skyline.

i bet you thought that was it, right? wrong-O! :) just a couple more things.
one, this past tuesday, i did extra work on the tv show "ghost whisperer." it's jennifer love hewitt's show, however she wasn't in any of the scenes that day, only her co-star jay mohr. it was fun, and as always, i met some cool people. on guy, joe, is a really creative photographer/graphic designer, and i think he and i might meet up to do some themed photo shoots for fun in the near future...
and finally...
last night, i lucked upon an extra ticket to the opening home game of the la galaxy soccer team (yes, david beckham's team). so, holland, nate, jd, and i made it a thursday evening roadtrip, which turned out to be loads of fun! we were in the car most of the afternoon and evening, since we had to all get together from various parts of the greater los angeles area, and then drive down south to the home depot center, where the galaxy plays. we saw a great game, too! the galaxy beat the san jose earthquakes 2-1. and, there were fireworks afterwards, too, as a special season opener treat!! for all your harry potter fans out there, when i got to stadium, i seriously felt like i was at the quidditch world cup! i loved it, and i really want to go to another game!
here's me playing around with the camera on the way
here's becks. and some pics of the stadium and scoreboard.
and here are the four of us diehard roadtrippers! so much fun and laughing, i love it!
after the game, we had to make an honorary stop at sonic. it's the closest one to us, so anytime sonic-lovers from la go near where we were, it's basically a requirement to at least get a lemonberry slush and some onion rings!!
ok, i lied, there is one more thing. i have been feeling very nostalgic for good ole mizzou. well, really just my friends in the mid-missouri area, lol. and, so i decided to plan a trip to missouri for mid-may. if you're reading this and you are one of those friends in that general area, then know that i really hope i get to see you when i make that trip! more details to follow, i'm sure.
congrats to those of you who made it this far. thanks for your diligence, readers :)
Jay Mohr always makes me laugh. I didn't realize he was on Ghost Whisper.
Have fun in MO. Wish I was there to see you. :)
I LOVE PINKBERRY!!!!!!!!!! Oh man. SO good. I can't wait for you to come visit. We miss you a bunch! I love you girl!!!
LPzee-- cute bike! and cute garage sale dress! you can definitely tell that you are garage sale-ing in HOLLYWOOD. Geez.. you'd never find such good stuff elsewhere :)
i vote that you should come to MO at the end of may/beg. of june and come for kruegers wedding june 7th... i get back to STL may 25