it was a great cultural experience, and something spontaneous, which i always love. the event was held at artshare, a renovated warehouse in downtown la. very cute. the films were all really artsy and beautiful, even though not all of them were super entertaining or even understandable! such is art, though. i think my favorite was a film by an improv group, the 313, called "film noir." it's a spoof of old film noir movies, and i just thought it was so clever...
it's funny, living here, because i often see people that look really familiar to me, but it's hard to distinguish how i know them. are we friends, have we met somewhere prior to la, are they an actor that just looks familiar? this happened last night, twice, at the festival. sarah utterback, a member of the company, played the redhead nurse olivia on grey's anatomy. and (huge nerd alert) billy aaron brown was there; he played this surfer guy in the masterpiece mary-kate & ashley movie, "holiday in the sun" lol. (don't worry, i'm not THAT big of a nerd that i knew their names offhand, i had to imdb them)

just another night in the city of angels.
I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey LP! Note: Sarah Utterback goes to (or at least used to go to) Ecclesia. Bit of trivial info for you...