a group of us packed up the ole cars and made a trip up the coast. first stop was malibu, where we hiked a trail to the ruins of a huge burnt down house. then, we continued up and climbed around on this amazing waterfall. i felt like such a kid, being out in nature. after climbing up a good way, we found this hidden swimming hole, formed by the waterfall, where we all jumped in and swam around.
after we hiked back down, we drove up to el matador, one of three "secret" beaches north of malibu. it was absolutely gorgeous! there were tons of rocky cliffs, and the weather was perfect. what a great labor day weekend!
here are some pictures of the wonderful day!
anna and me at the ruins
all of us climbing on the rocks by the waterfall

there were tons of frogs that were perfectly camouflaged to their surroundings...see him?

here's me gazing out over the glorious trail. haha
and here's the swimming hole! (chelsie and me half in, nate and jon taking a dip in the background) it was like something from a adventure novel. so cool.

the breathtaking el matador beach

here's chels, anna, and me apparently struttin our stuff!

and, finally, here's our adventurous labor weekend group: alec, jon, chels, anna, brian, me, and nate, with parker manning the camera. a fine group, i'd say!

in other news, i actually got another job last week. another random personal assisting gig that i found out about through a friend in acting class. just some other work to keep me busy and pay the bills. still nothing worth mentioning on the acting front. but we'll see... :)