so, speaking of how time flies, i apparently i've let almost a month go by without blogging. my apologies! i keep meaning to do it, but i wanted to wait for pictures, and never got them, so i kept putting it off. what has happened...? well, first off, i lived through my first real earthquake! i'm sure you've all heard about it, but we had a 5.something a few weeks ago. yes, i did feel it. it felt like i was on a rocking boat, and it lasted for about 30 seconds. very strange, but kind of cool, considering no one was really harmed.
as for acting, i had a pretty legit audition for a new show on animal planet. i auditioned for the role of a waterski babe (haha), but never heard back. but it was good to get back out there, and i'm hoping that the lull of summer hiatus is coming to an end, and that things might be back full swing in the coming fall.
the main recent event for me was my former roommate's wedding. it was gorgeous, and i was waiting on getting pictures from that to post, but i guess i'll have to put those up at a later date when i get them. but, it was a big event, and i really enjoyed being a part of all the surrounding festivities. are a couple picture s from her bridal shower that i helped throw. one of kim and me (the co-party planners), all the girls, and then the three now-former roomies:
let's see...what else. oh, my friend, stand up comedian, kvon moezzi, had a screening at a really cute place called blue 32 in hermosa beach. he was the lead in a ridiculous horror spoof called the "gingerdead man 2." oh man. here's a picture from that event...
after that, holland and i spontaneously went to a late movie and saw the dark knight. just a plug for it in case you haven't seen it--go, it's amazing!
i'm a big fan of themed parties, playing dress-up, the whole shebang. obviously, that's kind of what i've decided to do for a living! anyway, our friends had a "jock jams" themed party last week, and it was so much fun! we all came dressed as athletes or in ridiculous 90s gear, blasted the classic 90s jock jams cds, drank capri suns (please tell me you remember those!), and played in tournaments ranging from ping pong, to darts, to nba live. it was a lot of fun! i love when everybody really gets into's a picture with holland, her friend lynnette (who was visiting from ohio), and me, and then me and my mad dart-throwing skills!
finally, one of my best friends from home, chris, and his family were in san diego visiting family, and came up for an la day yesterday. i really enjoyed spending time with them, and i think they liked seeing the city, and some little snippets of my life. i did have a big "first," while they were here, too--i rode my very first ferris wheel ever! i know, crazy, right!?! but, i've never been on one, and have always wanted to, but i'm so glad that my first one was on the santa monica pier, because it was the best view, and perfect weather. it was so relaxing and lovely. here's a not very clear picture from my phone that totally doesn't do it justice, but...

well...i think that's about it for now. once our place is slightly more decorated, i'll take pics and post those up soon!! as always, thanks for reading :)
Aww...I love reading your blog. Always. It brings joy to my heart for you! :) I wish you one more happy year!