and, hooray, because a couple of them are actually career-related for once! :)
i met with my acting coach, anthony barnao, on monday before our regular weekly class. anthony is now a good friend, but i originally met him at an actor's bootcamp last year, and then worked with him on forming Stage to Salvation, his idea for a Christian theater group. anyway...he had told me awhile ago that he would like to see my work, and watch how i progress, and potentially manage me in the future. so, after months of classes, he told me monday that he liked what he saw, and he would like to be my manager! so, this is great career news! when i tell people this, the first question is usually "so what's the difference between an agent and a manager?" good question. consider me a brand, lauren parrent. a manager generally helps to shape the overall image of the brand, help get it all together, and an agent promotes the brand. they often overlap, though. so, i'm very excited about this blessing; i feel great that i have someone who i know and who knows me to be on "my team." he has a couple other clients, several that have had some really good gigs, so i'm confident in his ability. i look forward to having work of my own to blog more about. we'll see where it goes from here...
also, on wednesday of last week, i stayed after work at kris' and had an amazingly fun recording session!! my mom reminded me this week that when i was little i watched a special about the voice actors from beauty and the beast and told her "wouldn't that be a fun job? I'd love to do that someday." so, i guess i fulfilled my recording destiny this week! it was great! i'm so grateful that kris gave me the opportunity to use his recording studio and his talented direction, of course. i recorded stuff for a regular voice over reel, and then i'll do a character reel sometime soon. those will be fun to post!
lately, i've really been aware of the wisdom that comes from age. i feel like i'm really learning to listen to people and their life stories. you can learn so much that way! anyway, my friend, chelsie, has worked for a lady, rita, who needs help organizing and getting some of her writing together. i'm now going to be helping her out. she lives really close, and she has amazing stories, so i'm really stoked about it.
also, fun sidenote, when i arrived at rita's house, i parked on the street and noticed a guy standing by her neighbor's fence. he turned towards my direction to walk away, and we made eye contact. i thought his charming grin was familiar, and indeed it was. for those of you that might be fans of "lost," it was boone! i recently started watching the lost series on dvd (i'm on season 2, and i love it!). so yeah, ian somerhalder and i had a nice moment :)

that's all for now. isn't it amazing how time flies? it's already almost mid-september. my goodness...