so far, 2009 hasn't disappointed. between auditions (keep 'em comin!), work, friends, themed parties, a visit from dad, (and ok, maybe the slight hiccup of a little bout with the flu), the past couple of weeks have just been lovely! can you believe we're already 1/12 through the year? gosh...
although i haven't landed any roles from my several recent auditions, i'm chalking it up to the old actor's statistic--for every 100 auditions, you land one part. bleak, but hey, i'm racking them up, guys!! (i should start a tally and see if this adage has any value at all...). but, it's good to be getting out there, at least. i go in for something tomorrow, not sure if it's actually the shoot or just an audition, but i'll let you know.
last week was very patriotic for me! i enjoyed an MLKJr holiday at the beach with my "book club" girls! don't have photos from that quite yet; maybe i'll post them at a later date, at which point they'll be cool and retro! the next day, we had a book club/the western union (i think that's what some of my guy friends are calling themselves these days...?) gathering at my friend's ali & peter's house in hollywood. we decided to have an inauguration partay to celebrate president obama (whoa, that's crazy to say!). there were very american hot dogs and apple pie, some intense catchphrase, and lots of good old red, white, and blue! we did watch the inaugural television programming, and i have to admit, either i'd never watched an inauguration before, or there really just had never been one like this!! i'm pretty curious and excited to see what obama's run as president will bring to our country. i feel very optimistic; he's got a lot of good people supporting him, and that collaborative energy and sense of change and progress will prove to be extremely positive, i think. here are some fun pics from that evening:
my book club girls! (ok, so in case i haven't already mentioned this on here, we're not really a book club...i know i know, the name's a bit deceptive. but, these are some of my great girlfriends from out here...we all go to the same church. you'll be seeing more of them, i'm sure.) starting with me, going clockwise: me!, mj, holland, karla, ali, and alex :)

all of us striking karla's signature pose

karla and i take our themed party outfit directions VERY seriously...

later last week, i got a phone call from dad with a surprising and spontaneous suggestion that he come this week for a short visit! he'd never been to la before, so we were both very excited! he came and stayed with me for a few days, and i luckily switched my schedule around to show him a bit of my life out here. he really got the behind-the-scenes tour, because he sat in on my acting class, met rita (the author i'm working with), and got to see all the daily life places i frequent. it was really great for both of us!! the weather wasn't the best we've ever had, but i think he got to thaw out from the freeeeezing indiana ice storm they were having while he was here. if you know me at all (which i'm assuming if you're reading this, you probably do), you know that i love food. so...several of our excursions were food-related. we had the california staples: in-n-out burger, alley dogs downtown, zelda's donuts in venice, and pinkberry. here's some evidence of the damage done:

it must've been sunny--dad was super squinty!!! anyyywayyy...we had a wonderful week just getting to spend time together! he's already back east in the ice and snow, and i'm at home today recuperating from being sick, fun fun.
hope everyone else is staying well and warm, and that you all have a relaxing yet sporty weekend, especially if you're watching the super bowl! (shout out to parker, the lucky duck, who is currently in tampa, FL, and gets to go to the super bowl!!! he and his company did the in-stadium graphics and videos for the big game--so cool, right? watch for him on tv!!!)
ok, that's all i've got--goodnight and take care!