to backtrack a little new years celebration was fantastic!! i hung out with several friends at a very chic little la lounge called xbar. it was a fun way to ring in 2009 in style!!! we had party favors and they showed the ball drop, but the best part was everyone having an excuse to get all dressed up! here's a picture of most of the group!

as for acting: i am consistently submitting myself for auditions, and have been called into several! one of which was for a sketch comedy showcase. i didn't end up getting a part in it, but the audition process was mainly group improv, and i really enjoyed just "playing" around with other creative people! so it was definitely worth it. in fact, things are in a period of really picking up--which may or may not last, of course!! but, i have three auditions already scheduled for this week-which is great! also, i've gotten some work done behind the scenes on my official website...don't worry, you'll be the first to know when that goes can check it out at, but now it's just under construction. also, exciting news of a career baby step is that i finally got my first credit on for those movie buffs out there, i'm sure you're familiar with this site, but for others not familiar, it's a site that lists everyone involved on films and television shows. anyway, i got put up for a student film that i was in. and i know i'm just credited as "nurse," but hey it's a step!!!
i'm also really enjoying the new year as i'm working for three separate women in santa monica. many of you know about my life in california, and how i've paid my bills through a series of many odd jobs, and a couple stable ones over the year-and-a-half i've been here. but the ones i'm working on now are amazing. they've come to me via word of mouth, like pretty much everything so far has, and they're just incredibly creative and enriching. i'm assisting two writers and a sculptor/painter, sometimes just with things like helping out on the computer or getting stuff organized, but also, i'm pretty sure that i'll be ending up with a co-authorship on a book i'm writing with one of the women. more about this later, i'm sure, but i had to include at least a snippet about this because it is a pretty huge part of my daily life!! a fun and surprising detour from acting, but one that has become so special to me.
anyway!!! hopefully i'll have some good news post-auditions from this week. and i hope you are all having wonderful beginnings to this new year!
woo! i totally just looked you up on imdb, lol :) You're famous!
I love your blog posts and hearing about your way fun life out there :)
Love you girl!
Oh-- and have you seen my new(ish) blog--
im gonna try to be a good post-er this year
it's totally going to be the BYE!!
Cool! I'm so happy for ya!
I'm back in the blogging world, and I thought I would check in and say hello!
I wished you could have been at the wedding. Alas Hollywood calls. ;)
Break a leg, babe!