parks and i had tossed ideas back and forth about what to do for v-day, and never really landed on anything. we both felt like we didn't want to buy into the over-the-top, ridiculously expensive and extravagant consumerized version of v-day. it seems so silly and frivolous to spend three times as much money on going out to dinner one night when you could do the same thing the next day for so much less. ok, i'll stop preaching. anyway, so we decided on getting up and going to breakfast, with no other plans for the day.
it was great. i put on a hoodie and no makeup and we headed down to main street in santa monica for delish omelettes at the omelette parlor. the weather was sunny and crisp, which we got to enjoy from the back, ivy-covered patio. having no schedule at all, we decided to go for a walk on the venice canals, which are so quaint with an eclectic variety of houses, gondolas, beautiful flowers, and footbridges. it was lovely. then we made a couple pit-stops before hopping in the car to head up the coast and attempt to go to the getty villa (a museum by the same guy as "the getty"). they were filled to capacity, i guess all the valentine's lovahs had beat us there. since we were on a spontaneous kick, though, we just hit the PCH again, going north, enjoying time for conversation and the gorgeous sunny day on the coast. we stopped off at point dume, a rocky beach north of malibu, where we got out an hiked lightly for a bit. then we settled on the rocks for awhile and watched the sunset.

with the sun gone, the chill night air prompted us to head back to the car. as we made our way back down the dirt trail, we happened to have another little celeb sighting! we passed emilio estevez (and his either fiance or wife, i'm not sure)!! i was so tempted to start chanting "quack, quack, quack!" but, i didn't want to ruin their peaceful valentine's date ;)

by this point, our stomachs were growling, so we decided to head back south to grab burgers at this restaurant called father's office. i'd heard of their amazingness, but had never eaten there. it's a casual place, so it wasn't busy due to the holiday. we got right in, and i experienced literally the best burger of my life. please make the trip here just to have this burger. i'm not kidding. my mouth is watering just thinking about it right now. ok i'll move on...after you see this picture (see, this place is so good, someone else had posted this online--i didn't take this)

oh i forgot to mention, that parker brought me flowers and an adorable stuffed bear that he had dressed like him, all the way down to his little chucks! so cute. he's such a catch, may i just broadcast that for a second?! not because of the gifts or anything, just he's amazing :)
after dinner, we got pinkberry--yum as always--and then rented a movie. unfortunately, this was the one negative thing about the day (but the day was so amazing, it definitely didn't even leave a tarnish at all). we watched nick and norah's infinite playlist, which i do NOT recommend. just didn't really like it. but eh, you can't love 'em all, i suppose. was the perfect valentine's day for me. low-key, spontaneous, active, and of course, with parker. i would have gladly just sat around with him all day, done nothing, and been just as happy :)
hope yours was equally as good, and i'd love to hear your gushes too!
hmm, i really liked nick and norah. i actually liked it better the 2nd time i watched it, but i'm also kind of a michael cera freak.
also, those pics are gorgeous!! i love your fella's hat!
oooh love your blogs facelift... and the pics of you guys. Adorable... very artsy. The kiss is fabulous too.
My VDay was fun. VDay is actually Lee's birthday as well... and we also had his cousins wedding in Chicago that day-- so it was the triple threat day! His family owns a chocolate shop and so he brought me chocolates and choc cov. strawberries from the store, and this cute journal that I had pointed out in B&N once.
We spent the day with his family and at the very fancy wedding reception. Maybe the highlight was getting to slow dance together for the first time to a very appropriate song-- "my funny valentine" by sinatra :)
oh man... i just love love. ;-)