i was just about to try and come up with a catchy, clever title for this post, and as i signed into blogger, i noticed it said i had 99 posts! so that makes this very post my big ONE HUNDREDTH! i feel like that is a milestone worth noting, right? kind of a big deal. a nice, even number at least. i'll sing a song of centennial celebration and pretend that i have streamers and noisemakers and i'll even throw a little imaginary confetti in the air. woo hoo! congrats to "for your consideration" for having such a great run so far! and thanks to all you dedicated readers, of course, for making me want to keep writing :)
so...now that that's taken care of! i actually have quite a meaty post!!
the biggest news of the day was an unexpected celeb sighting! on our way to our usual tuesday night book club (see more below), karla and i were driving up wilshire through beverly hills (same ole, same ole, right?). i rolled the window down, looked out at a restaurant called "the blvd," and said to karla "i just love beverly hills..." and right at this exact moment--we were stopped at a light--i saw ryan seacrest sitting outside at one of the cafe tables!! he was in a suit and looking very tan! i've since been informed by my american idol fan friends that he must have had just left tonight's taping of the show to be there for dinner at the time we saw him. what a busy guy! but, a pretty cool sighting--pop culture relevant, at least!

so back to life before seacrest...as you may already know, i meet weekly in a small group with my girlfriends that we fondly call "book club." we all go to church together, and our little gathering has morphed from just a group of friends to now a sort of bible study. tonight, however, we had two members missing, so the four remaining girls decided to meet up for dinner at a restaurant in hollywood called "toast." it's a trendy little bakery that's evidently been featured on shows like the hills, and often a hot spot hit up by some celebs. the food was yum (which i love! do i post about food too much? lol). i even had a mini red velvet cupcake (one of their specialties) for dessert. it was tasty, with mmm mmm good cream cheese icing (although, not even in the same league as my grandmom's red velvet cake!). here are mj, karla, ali, and me at toast.

after dinner at toast, we decided to head to the grove--an outdoor shopping area that's super cute, and often a prime location for celeb-spotting. we've been having a heat wave in southern cal the past few days, so the nights have been retaining some of the warmth, which made it a lovely evening to stroll along outside with the gals. we decided it couldn't be a legitimate book club meeting without a book, so naturally we stopped in at barnes and noble to pick one out. i know it's a slight departure from our usual read, but it was clearly endorsed by "parker," so...

that's all for now. check back for an update soon about my role as darlene in the student film. i've been collecting photos from on the set, so hopefully after this weekend, i'll have a lot to blog about...shooting is going well so far!!
alright, bedtime. parrent, out!
to jeal-jeal, i love my BFF Ry! such a fun night :) love love love it!