for those of you who know me well, you probably know that i have a ten-year long love affair with a little series known as HARRY POTTER! i've read all the books (i won't tell you how many times), and seen all the movies, of course. the sixth movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, comes out in theaters this wednesday, and as expected, i have tickets to go see it that night. however--i also happen to have a wonderful roomie who works for WB, and got passes for a screening of the film this saturday morning at 9 am. so, of course i had to go to that!!

i definitely don't want to spoil anything for any fans, but i'll just that it is absolutely worth seeing (duh), and that yeah, basically i loved it--no surprise! beyond the fact that it's always amazing to see some of my favorite books come to life on the screen, i really do think this is a well-made film, and, if you have a muggle friend (HP lingo, google it...) i still think they'd enjoy seeing it, as long as you gave them a brief overview of the main points of the series so they're not completely in the dark.
the screening was at mann's chinese theater in hollywood, which i'd never seen a movie in, so that was a cool la landmark to experience. and we got free popcorn and sodas. but the whole experience, and as you'll see from the pictures below, i shamelessly wore my homemade harry potter shirt and scarf, and holland even brought us a couple of "wands." please go see the movie, and definitely leave me a comment of how you liked it!!!
You are so cute! Can't wait to see it myself. I miss reading about Harry's adventures.
So...if I claim to be a muggle, does that make me not a muggle? Isn't part of being a muggle not knowing what a muggle is? ;)