anyway, this is the official thanksgiving blog!! we had a lovely potluck thanksgiving meal at my house this year, and (grandmom, i hope you're proud!) i helped make the turkey!! josh and i actually made it, and as you'll see, it turned out GREAT! we were so happy! it was lovely to celebrate being grateful for all our blessings with our wonderful friends. i hope you had a thankful day, too!
enjoy the delectable photos!
josh "chef boyardee" sneider

a dancing turkey!

we stuffed butter and garlic cloves underneath it's skin--YUMMMM!
boys being boys
hooray ali and her delicious pigs in blankets!
SUCCESS!! look at that bird!

nice plate, parky!

my plate's not so bad either!
ahh fun! please check out josh's face, he looks beyond full!
i am so thankful for friends, family, a wonderful house, an amazing fiance, provision to live where i do, sigh...just everything really! what are you thankful for this year?
Fun! Fun! I need to start taking more pictures. I just forget and get busy with other things. Didn't get one picture of our Thanksgiving feast. Thanks for the motivation. Maybe in this coming season, I'll do better. :)