enter yoplait.

a few creative friends of ours had recently entered an online video contest and actually won! not to mention, they had a great time making a short commercial. so...parker perused the contest circuit, and came up with a site asking for submissions for companies including at&t and yoplait. it's not like we have anything else we're really working on right now (ahem. yeah right!!), so we both decided to write a couple scripts. a couple of scripts turned in to...writing, producing, directing, acting in, voicing, editing, and submitting two whole commercials--(with the help of a few friends) start to finish--in less than two weeks. phew!!!

we had so much fun working together as a creative team!! i wish i could show you our final videos, but due to contest rules, we're not posting them for the public yet. as soon as we can, you'll be the first to know, of course! even if we don't win anything for either contest, we loved the experience and already can't wait to do it again sometime...i already tried to get parks to brainstorm another video concept, when he lovingly reminded me that we're also in the midst of planning this little event in april, so we may not want to get too ahead of ourselves ;)