i like lists, so i'll start there! no rhyme or reason to this particular one, except that it is nice for organization...which i also like...
which brings me to...1. being organized is a good trait. especially for a producer. which i am now. parker and i are working [as of now on a trial basis] with a production company in atlanta. see: greentricyclestudios.com. parker is senior editor, and i am production manager, but it's a verrry small boutique company, so we get lots of opportunity for creative input--i love brainstorming meetings!! i'm really liking the job so far, and we're enjoying exploring the city, aaand being with each other 24/7 :)
we are making fun new friends [i crave hangout-time, MISS YOU friends!], but we're also watching a lot of movies, tv online, and dvds...did i mention we don't have cable (probably a good habit to kick)
2. the king's speech: lovely story, great acting, colin firth: painful yet adorable, geoffrey rush: you're so good
3. TRON: cool to look at. the plot? ehhh, not so much.
4. the tourist: how in the world did this get nominated for actual golden globes?!?! pass.
5. MAD MEN. 'nough said.
6. my new friends complete series DVDs. yessssss.
7. modern family. of course. top chef allstars. best season yet?
8. one fun moment of hotlanta exploration was a visit to the world of coke museum! we went with our friends, steve and mel, and had so much fun! there's a willy wonka-esque tasting room, where you can sample over 100 flavors of coca-cola drinks from around the world. beverly=woof.
9. today we had a SNOW DAY! a real bonafide snow day. the public schools and our office were closed, so we holed up inside and worked from home. it was a beautiful winter wonderland outside. complete with palm tree.!

aaaand 10. crystal light peach flavored green tea. i've never liked peach flavored things. peachios? gross! but the dear gal from whom we're subletting left a lot of that stuff, and it is just delicious! i recommend.
welp, that's the list for today. hope that was a quick little update on life here. call if you want to catch up. and i'll try to be better about keeping this thing up...
Lauren -
Happy New Year! I take it from your blog that you're living in Atlanta now. Very cool! I loved your picture of the World of Coke. We visited there last May over Memorial Day weekend and it was a lot of fun. One of the coke machines looked almost identical to the one that was in the social hall at church when we were younger. I think we paid 32 cents or something for a coke. lol Anyway, the tasting room was interesting. Most of the flavors were ICK in my opinion. Much too sweet. But I'm glad you got to check it out. You should also go visit CNN and do the tour. That was fun. Well, have a great new year and wishing you the best!
- Meredith
Hi LP... err LW :) Congrats on the new job, although I'm sure it was sad to leave CA!
You'll have to hook up with Ashley Williams... did you know she's in Atlanta? Much loves to you!