today was the first time, however, that i noticed any effects here in santa monica. it is definitely hotter, probably all the hot air is being trapped in by the smoke, and i could tell it was a lot harder to breathe when i was running. santa monica air is usually so clear and not smoggy like the rest of LA...the sky is a bit smoky, but nothing as sensational as the photographs you're probably seeing of the actual fires in malibu and san diego. so, never fear, i'm alright and hopefully not at all in danger...
in more trivial news, neither heroes nor samantha who? were the right episode AGAIN last night! i apologize for stringing you all along each week in hopes of seeing me. heck, watch me not even be shown at all on the actual episodes! lol, oh well. for those of you watching...thanks for your diligence! i had an audition on sunday afternoon for an independent film, but haven't heard anything back. also, i made deliveries to several agents to seek commercial representation last week, but haven't heard back from those either. still just trying to be patient! well, i better get ready to grab some lunch and run some errands...don't worry--i'll try to breathe very shallowly for awhile! have a great day everyone!
Could you email me your address? I want to check how close you are to something. :)
Glad you are doing well!
Move to New York! We don't get those pesky fires.
hey lauren! im glad you are doing well, i saw this stuff on the news and thought about you!
keep us updated on this and your upcoming bday and any other exciting acting news :)
i also had an idea, you should apply to be on survivor, it think you would be great!