go to cbs.com, click on "full episodes," then csi: miami, then it's the episode called "inside out." i actually have a pretty good close up (shown below, ingeniously captured by my mom of a paused screen on our tv at home, lol)! in the first 9 minute segment online, i'm standing by the bus outside the courtroom a couple of times, if you look closely. i'm wearing a black dress, and i have necklace with a hanging circle on. then, i'm also in the riot scene by the bus crash, but not noticeably. next, i'm in the post-crash scene, standing in the far background behind the caution tape talking to a cop (we're behind callie, i believe, in the top mid-right of the screen). and, lastly, when the actress in white and the guy detective are talking at the crash scene post-crash, i cross from off camera right and walk off camera to the left, behind the guy. you'll just see my back, in the black dress, with my hair wavy, and i'm walking with an african american girl, who's on my right.

don't know if you'll be able to pick me out-i only could because i remember exactly where i was!! it's so funny...i dont think i'll ever be able to watch any show/film i'm on for entertainment value...it's hard not to look at it critically, or to not picture it how it was behind the scenes. and...i was so excited about this, i can't imagine how psyched i'll be when i actually have a real part with lines and everything!!! lol...all in due time, all in due time...
another fun day today at my job as a personal assistant, i always love the variety. i've also done some rollerblading lately. i got my neighbor's old blades at our yard sale, and went down to the beach bike path twice for some exercise--it's a great alternative to running all the time. also, i met with susie, the manager i met with when i came out in january, again on tuesday. it was good. i've definitely grown and improved since we last met, and i hope she noticed. who knows if i'll even hear back...just trying to put myself out there, and see what comes through. i'm getting itchy to start working as an actor, though. i had one audition this week, and have a few coming up, but without an agent, none of the stuff i can submit myself to on my own are that big of a deal...
goodnight for now, hope you get to watch at least part of the episode!!
Awesome!!! I'm watching it right now....at work...shhh don't tell. :)
ha, isaac is bad. i won't be watching it at work...at least not right now :)...because i'm a goooood worker :). jk. this is so exciting! i'm looking forward to watching it. i think i'll have a little screening in my office later today or tomorrow.
I was watching it live and I didn't even know it. I just watched that opening scene and changed it. LOL!
Ah well, you can see it better online anyway.
Can't wait to see more. Keep us informed.
I so saw you and didn't even read this first to find out you were going to be on. Thankfully I watch the show anyways. You looked great!
I saw your Dad last week at USI. We used to work together at SEMO and since then, I have moved to Indianpolis. He brought the picture you have posted to the Commission meeting on Friday. He is so proud of you! How exciting. I hope all continues to go well for you. I will keep you in my prayers. Stay safe.
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i just sneeked a peek at work. it was totally worth it!! i'm so proud of you lauren.
um..do you think i could get your autograph now..before you become a star?